For the past few hours, tabloids and pictures have been floating across the internet previewing the first look at some of the characters in the BLEACH live-action film. It was finally confirmed that MIYAVI will be playing Kuchiki Rukia's elder brother Kuchiki Byakuya in the BLEACH movie! He is currently in the middle of his world tour DAY 2 to promote his latest album release. (Dates can be found below)
Having previously been featured in Angelina Jolie's Unbroken in 2014, and Kong: Skull Island and Stray in the years that followed, this franchise will be the singer-songwriter's largest yet, and fans of his and the anime are excited to see how he plays the role. The film is set to be released on July 20th. The BLEACH Movie official Twitter and MIYAVI echo fans' excitement with the following statements from Twitter:
映画「BLEACH」にて、ルキアの兄である朽木白哉を務めさせて頂きました。佐藤監督指揮のもと、元々の世界観を壊さぬよう、かつ実写ならではの臨場感のあるパフォーマンスに徹しました。ご期待ください。#BLEACH #映画ブリーチ— MIYAVI (@MIYAVI_OFFICIAL) March 9, 2018
Translation: I’ll be playing the role of Rukia’s older brother Kikuchi Byakuya in the movie BLEACH. Under director Sato I’ve committed myself to delivering the kind of intense performance that you can only get from a live action while staying true to the original work. Please look forward to it. – MIYAVI via Twitter
/— 映画『BLEACH』公式 (@bleach_moviejp) March 8, 2018
朽木ルキアの兄、朽木白哉(くちきびゃくや)役に、世界を舞台に活躍するギタリスト #MIYAVI さんが決定❗ 冷静沈着かつ厳格な性格、死神の中でも血筋・実力ともに抜きん出た白哉は、絶対的な強さで黒崎一護に迫る⚔💥
🔥映画『#BLEACH』7.20公開❗ #映画ブリーチ
Translation: For the role of Rukia’s older brother Kikuchi Byakuya, we’ve decided on MIYAVI, a guitarist who’s performed on stages all over the world❗With his level headed, yet strict disposition, Byakuya stands out even among the other shinigami for his impressive lineage and strength. He’s coming for Kurosaki Ichigo with all his power⚔💥 – BLEACH Movie via Twitter
For those of you who don't know Tite Kubo's classic BLEACH, now is a pretty good time to get into it! The main character is a young delinquent named Ichigo Kurosaki. He's gifted with the ability to see spirits, but this gift comes with several vices as his battle with a Hollow (a dark spirit) forces him to become Soul Reaper (one who ushers lost souls into the afterlife.) The series follows his journey in defending the living world from these monstrous creatures.
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