Current lineup:
- Vo & Gt. Die → → La:Sadie’s → DIR EN GREY → DIR EN GREY, DECAYS
- Vo & Gt. aie → LAPSE → Another you → Theia(yui) → Lamiel(aie) → kein → deadman, the God and Death stars → the studs → the god and death stars, highfashionparalyze, KEEL, THE MADCAP LAUGHS, DECAYS
- Ba. takuma → Luclia → Ludia le Moise → Sel’m → DECAYS
- Dr. Kei Kashiyama → FRESH CREAM → Salty-Sugar → DIA LOGUE → MOON CHILD → †яi¢к → DECAYS
- ☆. Chidony → DECAYS
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