YOSHIKI Describes Post-Surgery Pain & Plans

YOSHIKI Describes Post-Surgery Pain & Plans

On June 20, YOSHIKI held a press conference in Tokyo to directly address the media and his fans for the first time since his surgery.
Last month, the artist had to undergo emergency surgery to replace a disc in his spine. He is still in pain from the procedure.

"I'm not so good. I'm still in pain and a mess," he said, adding, "It feels like the artificial vertebrae is not familiar with my body. Sometimes it feels like my right half is being squeezed by someone, and it is unpleasant. My left hand continues to have numbness."
Doctors are forbidding YOSHIKI from doing any strenuous activities for the next 6 months, and his rehabilitation will be a gradual effort. Due to this, X Japan has changed its concerts from a hard-rock format to an acoustic event. This will allow YOSHIKI to play on the piano instead of beating on drums.

"For now, head banging is not good...It's exciting to do, but it's definitely bad for your health. If other artists want to continue being a musician for a long time, they should think about other ways to perform," YOSHIKI said.

X Japan had been working on its long-awaited comeback album prior to YOSHIKI's emergency surgery. No mention of this was made during his press conference; however, he said his fans encouraged him through these difficult times, and he felt compelled to get better and continue his activities.

Although a lot of his subject matter was heavy, YOSHIKI tried to lighten the tone of the press conference, displaying good spirits despite his recent medical troubles.
YOSHIKI was diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis in July of 2009 and has undergone surgery in the past to correct it. However, a herniated disc had worsened in the past 6 months, causing numbness and even paralysis in his left arm and hand.
