A9 & Lolita23q to embark on two-man tour

It was recently announced that A9 and Lolita23q will embark on a two-man tour this summer in Japan. The tour, titled "Kyū ni jū san -NINE TWO THREE-", will have five dates, and starts on June 24th at Koriyama HipShot. Both bands will be celebrating members' birthdays throughout the tour.

Right now A9 is prepping for the release of their new album, IDEAL, which drops on April 12th. They kick off their next tour, IDEAL HORIZON, the same day at Shinjuku ReNY. Lolita23q is currently on tour in support of their new single JOKER GAME, the band's first release since getting back together.
More details on both bands and the two-man tour to come!

A9 and Lolita23q 2MAN TOUR
Kyū ni jū san -NINE TWO THREE-
2017.6.24 Koriyama HipShot (Saga's birthday event)
2017.7.5 Osaka BIGCAT (Show's birthday event)
2017.7.6 Okayama CRAZY MAMA KINGDOM (Ryosuke's birthday event)
2017.7.9 Nagoya ReNY
2017.7.16 Shinjuku BLAZE (tour final)
