Grieva's Yuugo and Haru Give Details on Traffic Accident and Comeback

Grieva's Yuugo and Haru Give Details on Traffic Accident and Comeback

Grieva has announced that guitarist Haru and drummer Yuugo will return on stage next week after being injured in an accident.
On October 11th the band made an announcement that both members will be absent from Grieva's instore and live on October 12th. The reason was that they were injured in a traffic accident that day and suffered some injuries. Yuugo wrote a blog entry explaining how the accident happened.
He and Haru went on a short trip related to work and were driving on a highway. That day it was raining and there was strong wind, especially when they were driving over a bridge. That moment the car slipped on the opposite line and due to rocks on the street Yuugo couldn't bring the car back on the correct side of the road. The accident happened when they hit the guard rail and the car span out of control. Luckily there was no car behind them and none on the opposite side, so no second accident involving other people happened.
The car was pretty damaged but the most damaged part was the back of the car, so Haru and Yuugo didn't suffer very bad injuries. Still, they won't participate in the instore and live on 17th and 18th in order to recover completely. On 25th both members will return on stage.
