D to Resume Activities + New Single

The band recently announced they will be off their hiatus and will restart musical activities again! The band started their hiatus back in the end of 2014 after announcing last August that it was due to vocalist ASAGI's temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder.

To celebrate, the band will be holding a short one-man tour titled HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY. The tour will kick off in late August and end in September. Below are the tour dates:

D Revival One-Man Tour 2015 HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY
August 29 (Sat) at Akasaka BLITZ
OPEN / 17: 30 START / 18: 00
Ticket (adv) / ¥ 5,400
General Release Date: July 25 (Sat)
[INFO] DISK GARAGE / TEL 050-5533-0888 (weekdays 12:00 to 19:00)

September 19 (Sat) at Umeda CLUB QUATTRO
OPEN / 16: 30 START / 17: 00
Tickets (adv) / ¥ 4,860
General Release Date: July 25 (Sat)
[INFO] SOGO Osaka / TEL 06-6344-3326

September 21 (Mon) at Nagoya Electric Lady Land
OPEN / 16: 30 START / 17: 00
Ticket (adv) / ¥ 4,860
General Release Date: July 25 (Sat)
[INFO] Sunday fork promotion / TEL 052-320-9100

In addition, D also announced they will be releasing a new single as well! Their new single will be called HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY and it will be released sometime in September. More details will be revealed at a later date.
