hide birthday party 2014 -50th Anniversary-

Here’s what Yoshiki said:
"Happy 50th birthday! As hide and I used to celebrate our birthdays together, I clearly recall the memories we had together. In the past, when hide turned 30, I teased him by saying, ‘You are 30. You are 30 (by pointing a finger at him)! In return, hide did the same thing when I turned 30. Now he turned 50, I want to tell (tease) him in Heaven, ‘You are 50!’ I will continue to work hard with hide in my heart. Please continue to support both X Japan and hide’s solo activities. I thank you, fans for hide. Mmm? I guess there is no point of me saying this (for hide)..? (Why am I saying this?) Happy birthday hide truly. I would like to look back on many things while thinking of hide again next year for his birthday. That’s all. By Yoshiki"
